These woodlands are privately owned and commercially managed . Income from forestry operations will fund a sustainable conservation management plan which has been approved by Natural England and the Forestry Commission.
Parts of these woods are designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). They are also in part a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), which means they are important at an international level. King’s Wood and Urchin Wood represent one of the largest areas of ancient woodland remaining in Avon. For more information on these designations and reasons for the citations, visit the Natural England website at https://designatedsites.naturalengland.org.uk/SiteDetail.aspx?SiteCode=S1005522&SiteName=&countyCode=37&responsiblePerson=
There are several public footpaths running through the woodlands. As we hope to provide a haven for walkers and wildlife alike, we currently permit access to certain private paths subject to entry conditions. Please click here for maps and details.
We hope you enjoy these woodlands and help us to preserve them. For your own safety please do not stray from the designated paths. Mining activities have been taking place in these woods for centuries. The mines we know of are fenced in, but elsewhere earthworks may become unstable or collapse at any time. The disused mines are also used by horseshoe bats which are a European protected species. As such, it is a criminal offence to disturb or disrupt them. Staying on the designated paths will also avoid causing disturbance to wildlife, including other protected species and ecologically important material.
Finally, please report any fallen trees, damage or disruption to the peace and quiet here. Sadly, the woodlands are targeted from time to time by those seeking to chop down trees and light fires. Please inform us of any such activity. We will support the relevant authorities in any prosecution brought against those posing a threat to human life and protected wildlife.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Sean and Theresa Kingston
Conservation Advice and Management
Avon Wildlife Trust
Avondale Ecology
With thanks to YACWAG for assistance with monitoring and wildlife surveys